Have you ever wonder that the finger licking orange rings we devour every festival or after a get together party, came into being? Yes we are talking about jalebi's. which is one of our favourite sweet dishes. Have you ever thought how jalebi was born? How our ancestors have got an idea to make our best loved dessert?Let's read out, when and how we have earn this utterly delicious dessert.
Jalebi just like many curves in his texture it do have different names in different states in Hindi: Jalebi, Sanskrit: sudha-kundlika, Marathi: Jilbi, Bengali: Jilapi and many more. But if talk about jalebi existence, it was first intoduced in West Asia. In 13th century Muhammad Bin Hasan Al Baghdadi from Turkey wrote a book Kitab-al-Tabeekh means cook book, in this he mentioned Zalabiya urf Jalebi in India.
Lets learn how zalabiya turned into jalebi in India. It has been said that, various travellers from different parts of world came in India, such as Muslim Bussiness men, artist and from them zalabiya came and according to Indians comfort zalabiya turned into Jalebi.
Do you know?Its been 500 since jalebi is our part,to be seen jalebi was 1st found in 1450 AD where jalebi was offered during prayers to jain lord.
In 17th century, a book named Bhojana Kutuhala his author Raghuram wrote a recipe which is same as we follow now.
Magic of jalebi spread just like its shape all around the world. we enjoy its taste, crispness and its love.
Lets eat all our life complications and enjoy its sweetness from inside.